16 July 2020
Riga, Latvia
On July 16, 2020 the second MODEST (Modernization of Doctoral Education in Science and Improvement of Teaching Methodologies) meeting of doctoral students' network took place. Discussions highlighted topic of the stress management.
A report is also published on the website of University of Latvia: Doktoranti uzlabo savas stresa pārvarēšanas prasmes (in Latvian).
Attendees discussed what stress is in general and what its types are, what is the effect of stress on the body, thinking, emotions, actions. Seminar helped to deepen under-standing of the causes of stress, improve their stress management skills, so that there are more skills to overcome stress more successfully in different situations. Interesting fact was that mostly stress is associated with negative feelings, however different re-searches show, that among events, when people people have one of the highest level of stress, are also different positive events such as marriage, graduation and other meaningfull events.
Despite of summer vacation season in the seminar participated more than twenty students from seven universities from Latvia, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Armenia.
This event was organized by MODEST project manager University of Latvia (grand holder) and Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan, Russia) and it was lead by Roman Kupriyanov, Associate Professor, PhD in Psychology (Kazan National Research Technological University).