Project meetings

Open Lecture by Director of Graduate Studies of Brunel University

28 May 2019
Polotsk State University

In the conditions of intensive mobility of the modern scientific society, there is an urgent need to prepare the innovative potential of the young scientific elite, who not only know their own scientific direction, but also know various education systems, who can navigate the modern world of science, education and business. In this regard, qualitative changes are needed in their preparation.

A series of training seminars for young scientists, applicants, graduate students and everyone involved in science and working on dissertations continues at the postgraduate course of Polotsk University. This seminar is already the second in a cycle of disciplines aimed at improving knowledge about the methodology of scientific research. The purpose of the seminars is the improvement and training of highly qualified scientific personnel, in accordance with the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan of Polotsk University.

The second seminar “Peculiarities of teaching undergraduates and postgraduates at Brunel University, publications in foreign journals” was opened by the Director of Postgraduate Studies, Head of the Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence, Supervisor of Undergraduates and Postgraduates of Brunel University (London, UK) Tatyana Kalganova.

More information about the event can be found at

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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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