Project meetings

Video forum "Modernization of the MIIGAiK postgraduate school: pro & contra"

26 May 2020
Moscow, Russia

On May 26, 2020, within the International scientific and technical online conference "Spatial Data in the Context of Digital Transformation", the video forum "Modernization of the MIIGAiK postgraduate school: pro & contra" took place in virtual format.

The issues of modernizing post-graduate studies was not arisen right now – this process has been agitating the academic community for a long time, at least since 2013, when the Ministry of Science and Education RF decided to make the postgraduate education by the third stage of higher education. This means: PhD curricula in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), a final scientific qualification thesis that is not equal to the defense of a PhD thesis, and a number of "innovations" that the reform brought to the traditional process of researcher training.

MIIGAiK is the national coordinator of the international project ERASMUS+ "Modernization of postgraduate education in natural Sciences and improvement of pedagogical methods" (MODEST, 2018-2021)

Meeting reports

Recorded video (RU)

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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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